Saturday 10 May 2014

The best week I ever had here...My aunt got back to Malaysia yesterday and me back to lonely zone..
Ade lagi 4 weeks..almost 4 weeks..Trying to keep myself sane here..We successfully went to Inverness last weekend and they are beautiful...

I'm trying to keep N sane as well..she got mad to the dropbox just now and she talked to our pink carpet at home last week..I have to go back as soon as possible which in June..I hope she still herself by that time..Oh poor baby!

On our way to Ben Nevis, May 2014


  1. Keep calm and enjoy London!. :)

  2. Thanks dear! too bad i'm in Scotland (not that bad actually, back to nature kinda place)..8hours train ride to London :(

  3. La hai. You are in Scotland ke. I love Scotland. The view memang cantik. Went there two years ago for one week educational trip. Hurm...but kalau nak perabeh duit, memang London la. :)

    1. Which part of Scotland that u visited? I'm in Stirling now, the gate of highland they said heheh...Going to London in 2 weeks time..Tp tak shopping dah kot haha
