Friday 11 October 2013

We got officers meeting this morning regarding kenaikan pangkat. Yes, in government sector, kenaikan gaji memg every year which is takla byk but alhamdulillah la kan (tiap2 hari dengar dkt radio suruh bersyukur). But for our scheme of work, the top management came up with some guideline to replace the PTK system. Everyone so eager to ask questions, and if they were given all day pun still tak cukup masa to ask question and condemning the system. Hee..So we the young officer pun berkobar2 to do some improvement with our work by joining all those persatuan yg ada to increase our social marks for future undertaking besides the research projects. Huhu

So, enough about work life. 2days ago, I fb msging my old friend. Last time I checked she unfriend me and S in FB. So I wonder why. I'm not wondering why but I knew why. Last year, she came to our house and brought some friends to promote us with PB. Time tu tengah malam pukul 12 dah after our badminton session friday night. Memg tak dinafikan me and my other friends condemn habis2 my so called old friend, let me give the name ID. Mcm2 yg we all marah si ID ni becos ktrg memg tak suke MLM. Then esoknya ID balik to her hometown and actually she came to KL just to attend the MLM seminar. OK fine la kan nak tumpang our house kita tak kisah. Then S and me marah si ID ni kat msg, we said few nasty things sbb rude la kan dtg memalam umah org pastu bwk kawan nk jual PB. Start hari tu ktrg memg tak baik dah tak bertanya khabar langsung.

So back to 2 days ago, bila I dah meningkat usia ni and I think back, I pun salah layan tetamu mcm tu mlm tu. So I decided to send msg to ID. And today she replied. The reason why she unfriend me and S was not becos of 'that' night thing. Adala jugak sikit2 pasal tu but the main point was because dia ada rasa riak bila dia post pape kat fb related to her husband and baby when knowing me and S read it. Sebabnya explaination dia adalah kerana dia ada husband and anak, and me have no one (of course she don't know about N). Im fine with the fact that she has husband and baby. In fact, I'm happy with all my friends yg dah move on with their live with the husband and baby stuff. I'm happy with my life now with my own way. I don't need pity from my  friends. Kalau single ni nampak sedih ke? (yeah people dont know about N). So I tatau nak respon apa dekat si ID ni. Everyone has their own target in their life. We are no one to judge others life. Kalau yg bergelandangan di Sg Klang tu happy with their life, siapa kita untuk menyuruh diorg cari rumah untuk berteduh?

I'm just not in mood to read journals.

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