Alhamdulillah..Legaa....segala kusut masai selama sebulan yg lepas dah settle..Finally...!!!
Alhamdulillah...puasa ni sempat sambut di rumah baru..
Alhamdulillah..raya pun sempat open house rumah baru..ngehngehngeh..eventhough poket dah kering sgt2 dah ni, one week to go counting for payday!!
Semua dah selesai beli, all the furniture we needed. Tinggal untuk decoration sahaja which nantila lepas raya..
Yesterday we install this:
Coway Water Filter (Sally) |
It is cool! Water filter with 3temperatures water dispenser. Hot, Cold, Room temperature. Eh, eh dah mcm salesgirl coway dah. Disebabkan ktrg malas sesangat nak masak air and plus the water is not that good in our house so we decided to have this thing. We were wasting money on buying this one:
Coway Basic Water Filter (Genie)
Sape nak?? I jual RM350 jer. We bought for RM490. They said can drink straight away from the tap but we were not confident with that fact. So we went for Sally. Everythings good now. Curtain done, meja makan done, entertainment done. Tinggal lagi nak enjoy je the house. Alhamdulillah....
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