Friday, 7 December 2012

A week of vacation is almost done. I will go back to the routine tomorrow evening. Saket-saket belakang dah mula menonjolkan diri. 

Looking forward for another short vacation on New Year's EVE!! Yayyy !!

Me, N and other 2 friends will be there and there with our cruise trip. Eh, sama je pictures tu. Hehe itu pictures from google. Kan tak pegi lagi, so wait for another months and there will be an original picture.

Krabi Island (From Google)

Phuket (From Google)

Got a very interesting text message while I was in Langkawi. The apartment valuer had their document's ready and just wait for my payment and they will release the documents. Tanpa berfikir panjang, I informed N and made payment late at night. And that was it. Just wait for the loan disbursement to the owner and we'll get our key !! yayyy again !! Hopefully by Feb we'll move to our so-called-own-house.. (Finger crossed)

OK..gotta take shower now after a very long journey home yesterday..gotta go, bye!


  1. Tahniah2. nanti kalau I balik, boleh datang rumah baru korang :)

  2. hi u! hihi boleh insya allah.. doakan suma berjalan lancar k..
