Friday, 18 November 2016

Celebrated 8 years of anniversary in our tradition restaurant early this month. Life has been easy for us Alhamdulillah. N will have her proposal defense next week, please wish her luck, not that she needs it. Nak akhir tahun ni mood pun mandom je tassabar nak cuti panjang. Cuti panjang doesn't mean finishing all of your annual leave, it can be out of office for conference as well hihihih.. 

I've been honeymooning from study for so long now. I'm waiting for the moon  PhD supervisor to fall on my lap even-though I can't even see the super-moon last time. At the moment, there are two potential supervisors that I've interested on however both of them gave my different issues that I need to consider. I need to talk to both of them and tell them my issues and I will start from there. By hook or by crook I want to start and register next year.. Insya Allah..