Sunday, 25 May 2014

Peace weekend. Healing mode I'd say. One day of sampling felt like forever, never end of muscle pulling course. I assumed a long weekend is a bliss. 

Spent my saturday on fon with N all day long up until she slept. I tried to read something from instagram (I don't have the account and don't even know what is like) .. So I asked N because she has the account, I tried to sign in and it refused to let me log on. Then it sent a notification to N saying that someone tried to log in the account from the UK..N screamed and yelled at the email and said 'Stop sending the emails, it is my spouse who tried to log in the account!!'..then we laughed. This is the third times I tried to sign in N's emails, yahoo, gmail, facebook..hahahah..of course I know all the passwords, just that it won't let any suspicious attempt to log in from unusual place.. Oh well worth a try, N refused to let me follow Abby Abadi's instagram. I'm not a fan but I love gossips..hehehe

N is busy watching Badminton, I wore her Yonex shirt (Yeah I brought it with me) .. I sent her the picture of me wearing it and said, 'See, I'm supporting u all the way from Scotland by wearing this shirt' .. Sweet la konon, then she replied, 'I wanna watch the game in Stadiummmmm!!!' .. Not reflecting at all at my support..Menyampah kalau dia dah dalam badminton zone nya tuu...

Ohh..My sampling trip? I terjerlus dalam mud at first, dalammmmm....tenggelam habis kaki, lama jugakla my friend tried to pull me out..then after that I stayed away from the mud...Such an experience..That's why I said, a lot of muscle pulling activity from the field trip...


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

One box sealed! I rearranged it yesterday and voila! heheheh...Syok tengok the mentalist, that guy, Simon Baker, an Australian, very good looking and charming..

I need to pack for sampling tomorrow..just for a night..N and I booked and paid for cruise trip again depart in August..Supposedly this year we're going to Beijing but I'm not gonna take chances of being hated by Chinese there due to what happened to N owed me one trip! It just gonna be the two of us again, like Gold Coast (also N's place)..

Can't wait to go home but a wee-bit sad to leave here..I'll come back one day...maybe with N (finger-crossed)

Too much of British song!

Monday, 19 May 2014

I'm freaking out! 3-3 kotak cam dah penuh! Just ordered a food steamer last night, and will arrive tomorrow. How is it gonna fit in the last box?? Huwaaaa......I literally dah nangis kat N dah pun...Radio lom pack, rice cooker lom pack..aah I angkut bwk balik sume...Now I can't shop anymore, I mean really nope, tutup buku! Nampak gaya kena punggah balik kotak2 ni and rearrange... silly me of course!

N dah selamat tdoe siap berdengkur..I belum start lagi buat keje...Jap lagi ni mesti gelenyar nak masak plak...adooiii malas benauuuu!!

Next week I'll have sampling trip on wednesday, be back on thursday..Week after will go down to Southampton on wednesday again and back on saturday..On Monday, go on another sampling trip to trip I guess and that's it! Another week to go home..yayyyy!!!

Pening dah tgok bebarang nih..I need to start clear out my food but ended up buying 1kg of chicken niblets! Masakla jawabnya jap lagi...

Urquhart Castle, Inverness, May 2014
A ruined castle facing that huge Loch Ness

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Oh Dear! Such a lovely words out of a Scottish mouth..

Simple conversation with colleagues, talked about a really nice, breezy-sunny weather today..

Neil: Which part is Malaysia, is it north or south hemisphere?

N: (Pekebende mamat ni tanya aku?) Whatt?? I don't know, I'm bad in geography, google it!!

Neil: Oh yeah..u don't have to read books nowadays..just google it.. (Sambil senyum sinis)

Next conversation..on the way to buy ice blended as it was really sunny today..

Neil: So, is it malayan the language that u speak?

N: What?'s malay language..our own language..we were called 'Malaya' before..long time ago..

Neil: Oh really? Was is before independent? Was it when it was under British?

N: (Kerut dahi jap)...ermmmm yeahh kind of..

Neil: When it was? The independent day?

N: It was 31st August 1957..

Neil: From who? Was it British?

N: I dont know! (Terus rasa bodoh gilerrr..kalau N ade mesti kena gelak and she will say that I'm a bimbo)

Another conversation..showed them my IC and driving license..

Diana: It does not look like a real driving license..

N: (Suke hati die jee..)..Ermm yeah I haven't renew my license this year..they make a new version now..

Neil: What is this flag means?

N: It's Malaysia's flag

Neil: Yeah I know but what does it means?

N: Ermmm....

Neil: Where are u from? You're not malaysian aren't u? u don't know where it is, u don't know whom it got independence from, and u don't know what the flag means..(All my colleagues laughed at me)

N: Well...ermm..I hate u Neil!!! Don't bully me !!!

They all laughed. I know about the flag but it was too late to explain...If N heard this, I'll hug her and say, don't disown me, I know I'm stupid but love me please...

Neil...Real Big-Scottish-Guy..

Loch Lubnaig, May 2014
Look at the reflection..beautiful!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

The best week I ever had here...My aunt got back to Malaysia yesterday and me back to lonely zone..
Ade lagi 4 weeks..almost 4 weeks..Trying to keep myself sane here..We successfully went to Inverness last weekend and they are beautiful...

I'm trying to keep N sane as well..she got mad to the dropbox just now and she talked to our pink carpet at home last week..I have to go back as soon as possible which in June..I hope she still herself by that time..Oh poor baby!

On our way to Ben Nevis, May 2014