Peace weekend. Healing mode I'd say. One day of sampling felt like forever, never end of muscle pulling course. I assumed a long weekend is a bliss.
Spent my saturday on fon with N all day long up until she slept. I tried to read something from instagram (I don't have the account and don't even know what is like) .. So I asked N because she has the account, I tried to sign in and it refused to let me log on. Then it sent a notification to N saying that someone tried to log in the account from the UK..N screamed and yelled at the email and said 'Stop sending the emails, it is my spouse who tried to log in the account!!'..then we laughed. This is the third times I tried to sign in N's emails, yahoo, gmail, facebook..hahahah..of course I know all the passwords, just that it won't let any suspicious attempt to log in from unusual place.. Oh well worth a try, N refused to let me follow Abby Abadi's instagram. I'm not a fan but I love gossips..hehehe
N is busy watching Badminton, I wore her Yonex shirt (Yeah I brought it with me) .. I sent her the picture of me wearing it and said, 'See, I'm supporting u all the way from Scotland by wearing this shirt' .. Sweet la konon, then she replied, 'I wanna watch the game in Stadiummmmm!!!' .. Not reflecting at all at my support..Menyampah kalau dia dah dalam badminton zone nya tuu...
Ohh..My sampling trip? I terjerlus dalam mud at first, dalammmmm....tenggelam habis kaki, lama jugakla my friend tried to pull me out..then after that I stayed away from the mud...Such an experience..That's why I said, a lot of muscle pulling activity from the field trip...
Mine |