Monday, 24 June 2013

Almost done! Another week to go through. June 29th, we will move to our new house. Rumah sewa sekrg lagi 5% macam tongkang pecah. This week fully booked. With this stinky haze susah nak bergerak. Rasa serba salah nak keluar. If we go out, balik je wajib mandi terus. Pakai mask kat luar org tengok pelik. Kat Vietnam, sapa tak pakai mask tu di pandang pelik.

Tade mood nak buat keje selagi tak settle rumah nih. Yesterday we booked tv cabinet. Tengok langsir dekat Tewah tak cantik! We need to go to Nagoya la. Cheaper and cantik. I pening tengok brg N. Semua dia nak angkut naik kereta, I think she can't imagine how messy it will be this saturday. Hehe. N and packing can't go along well. I am the one  she will turn to when it came to packing. Takpela, she deal with the contractor and all people. She's good explaining thing. I am NOT! nanti i sengih2 and setuju je semua benda. N banyak complaint which is good and bad sometimes.

Next week kena pegi Bintulu but I suruh staff ganti. Mcm banyak je nak kena kemas. Sorg pregnant, sorg kena outstation. HIsshhhhhh!!!!

Zhong Shan Road, Xiamen, April 2013

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Exhausted till hard to breathe. No this is literally hard to breathe. I even went to checked up. Doc said my lung is alright. And my back pain is due to muscle cramp?? okla senang citer dah tua. haha

We are very excited with this moving house thing. In another 2 weeks, we will leave our 3-years-rented-home. This few months were very crazy. I can feel all the baju and seluar loosen a bit. Haha perasan.

For N and I, process beli rumah ni memenatkan jiwa. Physically is alright. But mentally we can not handle it anymore. If anyone ask us to do it one more time, a BIG no to them. But maybe another 5-7 years, we will think to buy another property. We decided to move out to another rental place a year and a half ago. But, with N's calculation skill, we ended up looking for a perfect place to buy.

After several considerations, we decided to buy just 5 mins walking distance place to stay. A year ago we chose  THIS exactly place to buy. Tatau lah kenapa. Nak jugak dekat situ even though tade org nak jual   their property to us. Why? Sbb I nak buat gov loan. The agent tanak sbb lambat katanya. Then after more calculations, we decided to take bank loan. About more than 10 houses kita tgok, mcm2 masalah, not from us, from the agent, owner, the houses.Sammpaiiilaahh this particular house. The agent tak temankan pun pergi tengok. Kita tengok sendiri. Harga sgt murah time tu. Risau takut rumah tu ape2 kan. But the owner nak jual sbb nak pergi Haji and nak amik berkat jual murah ( I pun tak paham apa kaitan). Alhamdulillah urusan deposit semua dipermudahkan. Lawyer semua dah standby. Documents were perfect until one problem came up! The owner tatau yg tenant dia dlu tak bayar maintenance fees. They owed the developer about 27K!! Time nih dah almost 3months after SnP. I pushed my lawyer and we decided to help the owner to settle the bill. I gamble je. Kalau dia tipu pun I tawakkal. So we did the undertaking letter and all legals doc sorted out.

May 16th, our lawyer called and said, the key is in her office now. Yayyy!! Alhamdulillah....Now takut tunggu reimbursement pulak. After few weeks, finally! Everything is settled. Even all the bills pun owner settle kan. Rumah tu bersih without any hutang lagi. Sekrg pening cari contractor to renovate pulak. We never experienced this before so masa byk habiskan dgn research apa yg patut. Sampaila ktrg dapat 1 quotation ni dgn harga berpatutan dgn apa yg we all nak.The renovation started 2weeks ago and now almost finished! The house is very2 beautiful for me and N.

2weekends we spent to buy the appliances and lampu, kipas, water heater. Semua main research je. And tawakkal sahaja dgn pilihan sendiri. KC and wardrobe pun we all buat, now tgh tggu siap sahaja. Alhamdulillah...Berbaloi semua penat lelah and mentally disturbed emotion. Haha.

All of these will be in our memory...5years and still counting.. :)

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Its been a while. Little updates:

1) Just got back from loonggg holiday with family.
2) Bought loads of cotton clothes from Vietnam.
3) Got back from a week of outstation in Terengganu.
4) Got our own home key!! Yayyy
5) Got our refund money from maintenance fee.
6) Sorting out on home renovation.
7) Rumah bersepah!! Urghhh

OK. That's that! Today movie marathon. Oh my housemate is pregnant!

OK. That's it. Need to do some catching up.