Wednesday, 27 March 2013

There are few attitudes in the office that REALLY2 annoying!!

1) Jealousy tak mengena tempat and sebab
2) Firestone
3) Condemn without any good reason


Thursday, 14 March 2013

Thursday already! Punyelah busy sampai tanak ada wiken bole?? Tomorrow will be going to N's house for her brother's wedding. Stay for the night.

Saturday is the wedding. Go back home at night.

Sunday will attend the purple walk thingy. *Not that I want too but it's bloody compulsory. Benciii!!!*
They steal my sunday! Then, after walking thingy, go back home change, shoot to PWTC for Matta fair.

Monday, going to Perhentian for sampling until Thursday.

Friday, working as usual.

Monday again, payday!!! Yayyyyy !!! Cepat kan??

We booked a trip to Ho Chi Minh in courtesy of Matta Fair..hehe...Flight booked! Hotel booked! Wait until May. Yayyy !! First housemates trip..Oh well shopping trip!

Monday, 11 March 2013

Being in government sector, one thing u have to bare is 'amalan gosip menggosip'. And now I'm the victim. For me, it's easy, 'selagi ko tak kaco periuk nasik aku, ikut suke la ko nak cakap ape, nak tunggang terbalik ke, I don't care' tapiiii kalo se sen pun gaji aku kurang, ke lubang cacing aku cari ko! '

Next 2 weeks I will be in Perhentian for sampling. Haven't told N yet. Kesian dia nak settlekan wedding adiknya. Next month I'll be in Xiamen, China for training for 2 weeks. Tinggal N lagi...And the next month again in Terengganu for a week, another international training.. LETIHHHHH !!!!! nak cutiiiiii !!!!

Our house will be ready in April, Insya Allah.....lama dah drag nih...Lawyer pun dah penat layan I duk wassap dia..nasiblah! this year punya Annual Leave belum amik, mana boleh jadik! I want holidayyyy !!!!

**This entry is supposed for last week.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Yeah people! keep on speculating. It will help the unfortunate. Silly!

Friday, 1 March 2013

It’s aching all over the body. Don’t know what’s wrong. TGIF!
Bulan ni rasa shortage of money but not sure why? Haha
Not sure la sangat dah bantai massage best aritu before gaji. Now merasa la nak membayarnya.
Ahhh!!! Tired to the bone!!!

Snowy Nottingham 2009, purposely out for camera whoring!!