Monday, 25 February 2013

It started on July 2010 when I started working here at my current office. I thought it was because of the central ventilation and all the chemicals were accumulated and spread to the rest of the rooms in the office. So I suffered really2 bad pimples all over my face. It started small and it gets bigger and bigger and ugly from day to day. I tried to find solution on my own. I tried almost every acne/pimples medicine that being recommended to me. Started with the cheapest one to the expensive one.  Not to mention that I tried several dermatologists in PJ, in Cheras, also I went to the general doctor. All of them didn’t work for me. From traditional to the modern medication, it’s not working for me. Just name it, Permata Hijra*h, Derma-logik-kah, Proavti*v acne solution, all hampehs. Even I signed up for a year of facial treatment with derma-logik-kah dekat the mines. I burnt about RM2K ++ and it get worst!! Every time after the treatment, people will stare at my face, dah lah sakit time extraction tuh!! And they ALWAYS persuaded me to buy their products which were very2 expensive to me. I almost gave up.
One day, I read one of my sekolah rendah’s friend. She described about this miracle product. And it worked for her. So I started googling. Semorang said it was good, it was miracle, and it fulfils the dream and everything. So I asked my friend where she got it and how it works. Murah and easy! It just RM40 per bottle and u just makan and apply the minyak all over your face. I macam tak percaya but that time I sanggup buat apa saja to get back my licin face.
I bought 1 bottle and I tried for a month. Semua betul ape yang didescribe dalam several testimonies. Seminggu I pakai best! All pimples cepat kecut, kering and ok. But masuk minggu kedua, makin banyak keluar, keep on keluar and keluar lagi..I dah macam nak meroyan. I was like why oh why it didn’t work for me?? They said it was a healing process. So I tak putus asa. I just continued makan and sapu kat muka. Walau pun memalam my housemates bising bau kelapa sangat kuat. Tapi I pk takpe makan je lagipun no harm. It all natural stuff from what it said from the bottle. Also it is an anti oxidant. Even muka tak cantik hopefully badan sihat with the supplement.
Then, one day at the office, my senior asked me. Dik, muka ko dah ok sikit..ko pegi facial derma-logik-kah tu eh? Then i said ‘takla kak, org dah dekat 5bulan berhenti pegi situ, menyakitkan and habis byk duit. Sekarang makan mende ni je’. I tak perasan pun all the jerawat dah berkurang and peparut semua dah faded. Sampaila la ni..I makan je lagi...So i started makan masa July 2011. Tak stop until now..still maintain makan, kekadang missed jugak time malas or tertido..hehe. Alhamdulillah muka dah ok, hati dah senang. My housemates yang bebising tu pun dah start makan jugak sekarang. Kakak kat office pun dah start belikan untuk anak dara dia. So it really2 worked !!! and it worked for me too. Tak payah membazir nak pegi facial bagai. I dah serik buat facial. Hehe. Sebulan RM40 je spent for the supplement. The rest just cuci muka macam biasa.  
And yes, I recommend this product to the world. Be patient with this product. It work but it depend on your hormone. I dah tua so hormone dah melambatkan proses tuh. 5-6 bulan baru muka I licin sepenuhnya. Hehe.

Amsterdam, June 2009

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

So many things but so little time.
*nangis* when u can't even breath and take five to play candy crush saga :(

Mabul Island, Tawau, March 2011

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Nasi kerabu anganku musnah!!! waaaaaaa!!!!
I tak sedar pun ada makhluk Tuhan yg sedang memerhati. Amik laptop dari seat belakang pastu ada yang menyambar tangan kiri yg tgh pegang plastik nasi kerabu + ikan kukus goreng + 2 ketul chicken wings utk lunch!!! kejammmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
Yaa, makhluk ini lah yg spoil kan mood I pepagi rabu yang tak jam langsung nih..haishh..dah bukan rezeki...melayang rm8.50 belanja kat bebudak 3 ekor ni..sedekah jgk namanya tuh..

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Hatred can be a sin. Forgive me Ya Allah. That ‘makcik’ we called her ‘makcik’ or ‘kak long’ addressing her when we were gossiping. Oh the one that keep complaining about me/everyone at work. She supposedly flies to Umrah last Monday but the flight delayed. And all of us look at each other and smiling. Jahat kan?? She did lot of things to all of us. Each one of us including the boss. This is the third time she went for Umrah..*smiley face again*
Thorpe Park, Surrey, UK, June 2009
of course I didn't ride that thing. only N and Haikal. Toby and I were posing like a model underneath. hehe

Monday, 4 February 2013


Some sunset in Lausanne, Switzerland, Winter 2008

Some picture of Mont Blanc, Geneva, Winter 2008
Believe me it is not a calendar picture